Existing format of POS Invoice template


POS Invoice

Customer Name
Customer Address
Delivery To
Delivery Warehouse Name
Warehouse Incharge
Delivery Warehouse Address
Product Code Title Remark Qty Rate Amount
Product 1 Product Title 1 Remark 1 5 100.00 500.00
Product 2 Product Title 2 Remark 2 2 200.00 400.00
Sub Total 900.00
(+) Tax 50.00
(-) Discount 20.00
Grand Total 930.00
Pay Later 200.00
Paid by VISA card No: XXX 500.00
Paid by Cash 230.00
Note Given 500.00
Change 270.00
Bottom note
Prepared by
    Verified by
    Approved by


POS Invoice

Customer Name
Customer Address
Delivery To
Delivery Warehouse Name
Warehouse Incharge
Delivery Warehouse Address
Product Code Title Remark Qty Rate Amount
Product 1 Product Title 1 Remark 1 5 100.00 500.00
Product 2 Product Title 2 Remark 2 2 200.00 400.00
Sub Total 900.00
(+) Tax 50.00
(-) Discount 20.00
Grand Total 930.00
Pay Later 200.00
Paid by VISA card No: XXX 500.00
Paid by Cash 230.00
Note Given 500.00
Change 270.00
Bottom note
Prepared by
    Verified by
    Approved by


POS Invoice

Customer Name
Customer Address
Delivery To
Delivery Warehouse Name
Warehouse Incharge
Delivery Warehouse Address
Product Code Title Remark Qty Rate Amount
Product 1 Product Title 1 Remark 1 5 100.00 500.00
Product 2 Product Title 2 Remark 2 2 200.00 400.00
Sub Total 900.00
(+) Tax 50.00
(-) Discount 20.00
Grand Total 930.00
Pay Later 200.00
Paid by VISA card No: XXX 500.00
Paid by Cash 230.00
Note Given 500.00
Change 270.00
Bottom note
Prepared by
    Verified by
    Approved by